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PHP Cross Reference of Yamoon 0.9.0




/Yamoon/ -> Mrtg.php (source)

   1  <?php
   3  require_once ('Yamoon/Config.php');
   4  require_once ('Yamoon/File.php');
   5  require_once ('Yamoon/Company.php');
   7  /**
   8    * Mrtg.php - manages all MRTG functions like reload configurations,
   9    * reload data and create graphics.
  10    */
  12  class Mrtg {
  13      var $company;
  14      var $config;
  15      var $types = array("status", "quality", "delay");
  17      /**
  18        * MRTG Constructor.
  19        * $mrtg = new Mrtg($config, $companyId);
  20        *
  21        * param $config Configuration class
  22        * param $companyId When provided, grab all info for that company
  23        */
  24  	function Mrtg($config, $company_id) {
  25          $this->config = $config;
  26          $this->company = new Company($config, $company_id);
  27      }
  29      /**
  30        * Execute MRTG, reloading all graphics, reading the logs just created with
  31        * method reload Data(). Don't forget to call the method reloadConfig() before
  32        * to assure all configs are up-to-date.
  33        * $mrtg->execute();
  34        */
  35  	function execute () {
  36          print "<p>Generating MRTG graphics:<br>\n";
  37          foreach ($this->company->getProbes() as $probe) {
  38              foreach ($this->types as $type) {
  39                  print $type." of ".$probe->service->name." on ".$probe->host->name."<br>\n";
  40                  $this->reloadData($probe, $type);
  41                  system("mrtg ".$this->config->mrtg_dir."/".$probe->service->name."_on_".$probe->host->name."-".$type.".conf");
  42                  flush();
  43              }
  44              print "Generating index for ".$probe->service->name." on ".$probe->host->name."<p>\n";
  45              system("indexmaker --output=".$this->config->mrtg_dir."/".$probe->service->name."_on_".$probe->host->name.".html ".$this->config->mrtg_dir."/".$probe->service->name."_on_".$probe->host->name."-*.conf");
  46          }
  47      }
  49      /**
  50        * Re-read all probes' configurations for execute to use when generating graphics.
  51        * $mrtg->reloadConfig();
  52        */
  53  	function reloadConfig () {
  54          print "<p>Reloading MRTG configurations:<br>\n";
  55          foreach ($this->company->getProbes() as $probe) {
  56              foreach ($this->types as $type) {
  57                  print $type." of ".$probe->service->name." on ".$probe->host->name."<br>\n";
  58                  write($this->config->mrtg_dir."/".$probe->service->name."_on_".$probe->host->name."-".$type.".conf", printTemplate($this->config->template_dir."/".$type.".mrtg"));
  59                  flush();
  60              }
  61              print "<br>\n";
  62          }
  63      }
  65      /**
  66        * Reload all data from database's log for a specified probe and graph type.
  67        * The allowed graph types are: status, quality and delay.
  68        * This function will create a MRTG log file to be read while generating MRTG
  69        * graphics on the method execute().
  70        * $mrtg->reloadData($probe->id, "status");
  71        *
  72        * param $probe The probe to create the log file
  73        * param $type Graph type. One of "status", "quality" or "delay".
  74        */
  75  	function reloadData ($probe, $type) {
  76          $max = 1;
  77          if ($type != "status") {
  78              $resp = $this->config->select("select max($type) as max from log where probe_id = ?", $probe->id);
  79              $max = $resp[0]->max;
  80          }
  81          $resp = $this->config->select("select count(*) as count from log where probe_id = ?", $probe->id);
  82          $count = $resp[0]->count;
  83          $content = time()." $count 0\n";
  84          foreach ($this->config->select("select UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ts) as time, $type as data from log where probe_id = ? order by ts desc", $probe->id) as $row) {
  85              if ($type == "status")
  86                  $row->data = ($row->data == "up" ? 1 : 0);
  87              $content .= $row->time." ".$row->data." 0 ".$max." 0\n";
  88          }
  89          write($this->config->mrtg_dir."/".$probe->service->name."_on_".$probe->host->name."-".$type.".log", $content);
  90      }
  91  }
  93  ?>

Generated: Sat Feb 19 17:29:53 2005 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.6