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PHP Cross Reference of Yamoon 0.9.0




/Yamoon/ -> Mrtg.php (summary)

(no description)

File Size: 93 lines (3 kb)
Included or required: 1 time
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 3 files

Defines 1 class

Mrtg:: (4 methods):

Class: Mrtg  - X-Ref

Mrtg.php - manages all MRTG functions like reload configurations,
reload data and create graphics.

Mrtg($config, $company_id)   X-Ref
MRTG Constructor.
$mrtg = new Mrtg($config, $companyId);

param $config Configuration class
param $companyId When provided, grab all info for that company

execute()   X-Ref
Execute MRTG, reloading all graphics, reading the logs just created with
method reload Data(). Don't forget to call the method reloadConfig() before
to assure all configs are up-to-date.

reloadConfig()   X-Ref
Re-read all probes' configurations for execute to use when generating graphics.

reloadData($probe, $type)   X-Ref
Reload all data from database's log for a specified probe and graph type.
The allowed graph types are: status, quality and delay.
This function will create a MRTG log file to be read while generating MRTG
graphics on the method execute().
$mrtg->reloadData($probe->id, "status");

param $probe The probe to create the log file
param $type Graph type. One of "status", "quality" or "delay".

Generated: Sat Feb 19 17:29:53 2005 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.6