[ Index ]

PHP Cross Reference of Yamoon 0.9.0




/ -> company.php (source)

   1  <?php
   3  require_once ('Yamoon/Global.php');
   4  include ('header.php');
   6  $company_id = $_GET['company_id'];
   8  // ============ DELETE
   9  if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "delete") {
  10      $company = new Company($config, $company_id);
  11      $company->delete();
  12      $message = "Company '$company->name' and all it's hosts and probes deleted!";
  13      $link = "index.php";
  14      $timeout = $config->redir_timeout;
  15      include ('message.php');
  17  // ============ INSERT
  18  } else if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "insert") {
  19      $message = "";
  20      $timeout = $config->redir_timeout;
  21      if (isset($_GET['companyname']) && $_GET['companyname'] != "") {
  22          $name = $_GET['companyname'];
  23          $contact = $_GET['companycontact'];
  24          $company = new Company($config);
  25          if ($company->create($name, $contact))
  26              $message = "Company '$name' created!";
  27          else {
  28              $timeout = $config->redir_timeout_error;
  29              $message = "Cannot create duplicated companies!";
  30          }
  31      } else {
  32          $timeout = $config->redir_timeout_error;
  33          $message = "Cannot create company without a name!";
  34      }
  35      $link = "index.php";
  36      include ('message.php');
  38  // ============ CLONE
  39  } else if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "clone") {
  40      $timeout = $config->redir_timeout;
  41      $company = new Company($config, $company_id);
  42      if ($newCompany = $company->clone())
  43          $message = "Company '".$newCompany->name."' created!";
  44      else {
  45          $timeout = $config->redir_timeout_error;
  46          $message = "Cannot create duplicated companies!";
  47      }
  48      $link = "index.php";
  49      include ('message.php');
  51  // ============ SAVE
  52  } else if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "save") {
  53      $company = new Company($config, $company_id);
  54      $message = "";
  55      $timeout = $config->redir_timeout;
  56      if (isset($_GET['companyname']) && $_GET['companyname'] != "") {
  57          $company->name = $_GET['companyname'];
  58          $company->contact = $_GET['companycontact'];
  59          $company->update();
  60          $message = "Company data updated!";
  61      } else {
  62          $timeout = $config->redir_timeout_error;
  63          $message = "Cannot update a company without a name!";
  64      }
  65      $link = "company.php?action=edit&company_id=$company_id";
  66      include ('message.php');
  68  // ============ EXECUTE
  69  } else if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "execute") {
  70      $company = new Company($config, $company_id);
  71      foreach ($company->getProbes() as $probe) {
  72          $probe->run();
  73      }
  74      $link = "company.php?company_id=".$company->id;
  75      $message = "All probes from company '".$company->name."' runned successfully";
  76      $timeout = $config->redir_timeout;
  77      include ('message.php');
  79  // ============ EDIT
  80  } else if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "edit") {
  81      $company = new Company($config, $company_id);
  83  ?>
  85  <!-- COMPANY DATA -->
  86  <p>
  87  <form action="company.php">
  88  <input type=hidden name=action value=save>
  89  <input type=hidden name=company_id value="<?php print $company->id ?>">
  90  <table>
  91      <tr><td><b>Name:</b> <input name=companyname value="<?php print $company->name ?>"></td></tr>
  92      <tr><td><b>Contact:</b> <input name=companycontact value="<?php print $company->contact ?>"></td></tr>
  93      <tr><td><input type=submit value="Update">
  94  </table>
  95  </form>
  97  <!-- PROBE LIST -->
  98  <p>
  99  <table>
 100  <tr><th>Service</th><th>Host</th><th>Active</th><th>Actions</th></tr>
 101  <?php
 102  foreach ($company->getProbes() as $probe) {
 103  ?>
 104  <tr>
 105      <td class='prop'><a href="service.php?service_id=<?php print $probe->service->id ?>"><?php print $probe->service->name ?></a></td>
 106      <td class='prop'><a href="host.php?host_id=<?php print $probe->host->id ?>&company_id=<?php print $probe->company->id ?>&action=edit"><?php print $probe->host->name ?></a></td>
 107      <td class='prop'><?php print $probe->active ?></td>
 108      <td class='link'>
 109          <a href="probe.php?probe_id=<?php print $probe->id ?>">Edit</a>
 110          <a href="probe.php?action=delete&probe_id=<?php print $probe->id ?>" onClick="return confirmDelete('probe','<?php print $probe->service->name." on ".$probe->host->name ?>')">Delete</a>
 111      </td>
 112  </tr>
 113  <?php
 114  }
 115  ?>
 116  <tr>
 117  <form action="probe.php">
 118  <input type=hidden name=action value=insert>
 119  <input type=hidden name=company_id value="<?php print $company->id ?>">
 120      <td class='prop'>
 121          <select name=service>
 122              <?php foreach (getServices() as $service) {
 123                  print "<option value=$service->id>$service->name</option>\n";
 124              } ?>
 125          </select>
 126      </td>
 127      <td class='prop'>
 128          <select name=host>
 129              <?php foreach ($company->getHosts() as $host) {
 130                  print "<option value=$host->id>$host->name</option>\n";
 131              } ?>
 132          </select>
 133      </td>
 134      <td class='prop'>
 135          <select name=active>
 136              <option value='Y'>Yes</option>
 137              <option value='N'>No</option>
 138          </select>
 139      </td>
 140      <td class='link'>
 141          <input type=submit value="Create Probe">
 142      </td>
 143  </form>
 144  </tr>
 145  </table>
 147  <!-- HOST LIST -->
 148  <p>
 149  <table>
 150  <tr><th>Host</th><th>IP</th><th>Actions</th></tr>
 151  <?php
 152  foreach ($company->getHosts() as $host) {
 153  ?>
 154  <tr>
 155      <td class='prop'>
 156          <?php print $host->name ?>
 157      </td>
 158      <td class='prop'>
 159          <?php print $host->ip ?>
 160      </td>
 161      <td class='link'>
 162          <a href="host.php?action=edit&company_id=<?php print $company_id ?>&host_id=<?php print $host->id ?>">Edit</a>
 163          <a href="host.php?action=delete&company_id=<?php print $company_id ?>&host_id=<?php print $host->id ?>" onClick="return confirmDelete('host','<?php print $host->name?>')">Delete</a>
 164      </td>
 165  </tr>
 166  <?php
 167  }
 168  ?>
 169  <tr>
 170  <form action="host.php">
 171  <input type=hidden name=action value=insert>
 172  <input type=hidden name=company_id value="<?php print $company->id ?>">
 173      <td class='prop'>
 174          <input name=hostname>
 175      </td>
 176      <td class='prop'>
 177          <input name=hostip>
 178      </td>
 179      <td class='link'>
 180          <input type=submit value="Create Host">
 181      </td>
 182  </tr>
 183  </form>
 184  </table>
 186  <?php
 187  // ============ VIEW
 188  } else {
 189      $company = new Company($config, $company_id);
 190  ?>
 192  <table>
 193      <tr>
 194          <th>Service</th><th>Host</th><th>Active</th><th>Status</th><th>Quality</th><th>Delay</th><th>Actions</th>
 195      </tr>
 196  <?php
 197      foreach ($company->getProbes() as $probe) {
 198  ?>
 200      <tr>
 201          <td class='<?php print $probe->status ?>'><?php print $probe->service->name ?></td>
 202          <td class='<?php print $probe->status ?>'><?php print $probe->host->name ?></td>
 203          <td class='<?php print $probe->status ?>'><?php print $probe->active ?></td>
 204          <td class='<?php print $probe->status ?>'><?php print strtoupper($probe->status) ?></td>
 205          <td class='<?php print $probe->status ?>'><?php print $probe->quality ?></td>
 206          <td class='<?php print $probe->status ?>'><?php print $probe->delay ?></td>
 207          <td class='<?php print $probe->status ?>'>
 208                  <a href="stats.php?probe_id=<?php print $probe->id ?>">Stats</a>
 209                  <a href="/mrtg/<?php print $probe->service->name ?>_on_<?php print $probe->host->name ?>.html">MRTG</a>
 210          </td>
 211      </tr>
 213  <?php
 214      }
 215  ?>
 217  </table>
 219  <?php
 220  }
 221  include ('footer.php');
 222  ?>

Generated: Sat Feb 19 17:29:53 2005 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.6